Home Improvement Loan

Create Your Dream Home

With a Home Improvement Loan from KeyPoint, there's no appraisal, no fees and your house is not collateral for the loan. Our flexible loan terms help you control monthly payments so that they fit easily into your budget.

  • No fee to open
  • Choose repayment terms from one to ten years
  • Maximum amount is $100,000
  • Get cash upfront in a lump sum
  • Fixed interest rates, so your monthly payments won't change over the loan's term
  • Must use loan proceeds for home improvement projects completed on your primary residence
  • Your house is not collateral for this loan; no home appraisal needed
Home Improvement Loan
Rates Effective: 11/12/2024
Loan Type Loan Term Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Monthly Payment
Home Improvement Loan ($10,000 - $100,000) 12 – 120 months 8.99% - 12.49% $24.88 - $14.64 (for each $1,000 borrowed at the maximum term)

Rates accurate as of 3/1/2025 and subject to change. All loans subject to credit approval. Rate is based on creditworthiness and other factors, and may be higher than the rate shown. Rates and terms subject to change without notice. Individuals listed on house title must be on Home Improvement Loan.

Payment Example: Pay $14.64 per month per $1,000 borrowed at 12.49% APR for 120 months

KeyPoint Membership required.