Savings & Certificates
Money Market Savings | Performance Money Market Savings | QuickStart Savings | Member Savings* & Smart Savings | Kids Savings (under 18)1 |
Coverdell Education Savings Account2 |
Certificate Account3 | IRA Certificate Account3 | |
Open | Open | Open | Open | Open | Open | Open | Open at a Branch | |
ATM Access | ||||||||
Minimum Opening Balance | $1,000 | $25,000 (25% of the opening deposit must be new money) |
$1 (first $5K must be new money) |
$10 | $10 | $25 | $500 | $500 |
Minimum Average Daily Balance to waive the monthly fee | $1,000 | $0 | $0 | $10 | $0 | $0 | $500 | $500 |
Monthly service fee | $10 | $0 | $0 | $5 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
KeyPoint Membership required.
Savings & Certificate Account Disclosures
1 ATM Card must be authorized by a financially responsible joint owner.
2A Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA), formerly known as an Education IRA, provides tax-free, fixed-rate asset growth for education costs from kindergarten on up. Eligible individuals may contribute up to $2,000 per year on behalf of a child up to age 18. There are income guidelines to establish a Coverdell plan, and you should consult a tax advisor for your specific situation.
3Early withdrawal penalties apply.
*$10 required to establish KeyPoint Membership. **Mobile carrier rates may apply.